Saturday, October 24, 2009

Parashas Noach

"Noach ish tzadik tamim haya b'dorosav/Noach was a righteous man, flawless in his generation..." Bereishis 6:9
The second Rashi in our parasha brings up the famous machlokes on the word "b'dorosav/in his generation." "There are those among our sages (yesh miraboseinu) who infer from it to his praise. Certainly, had he lived in a righteous generation he would have been even more righteous. There are others who infer it to his discredit. Relative to his generation he was righteous, but had he lived in the generation of Avraham he would not have been considered significant."

Rav Yackov Dovid from Amshinov points out that the ones who infer from it to Noach's praise are called our sages, and the ones who infer it to Noach's discredit have the title sages removed. We learn from this the important lesson that we always have to give people the benefit of the doubt. Every Jew has a good point inside. It may be buried deep inside but it is there.

When Hashem commanded Noach, "Two of each you shall bring into the ark," all creatures entered in pairs.
Deceit wanted to come into the arkalso. Noach said to him, "You cannot enter without a mate!"
Deceit went in search of a mate and found Want.
"From where have you come?" asked Want .
"I return from Noach's ark. I wanted to enter, but was rejected for lack of a partner. Do you want to be my mate?"
"Gladly," replied Want, "but what do you offer me in exchange?"
"Whatever I acquire, you may take."
"A deal!" said Want.
So Deceit and Want entered the ark together, with an eternal partnership: Whatever Deceit acquires, Want takes away. Midrash Shocher Tov

Have a great week everybody!!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Kizur Parashas Noach

The Decree of the Flood
The Final Call
The Flood Inundates the World
The Waters Recede
Sending Forth the Raven
The Dove
The Earth Dries
The Command to Leave the Ark
Noach Brings an Offering
Rebuilding a Ruined World
God's Covenant with Noach
The Rainbow: An Eternal Covenant
The Intoxication and Shame of Noach
Noach Foretells the Destiny of His Sons
The Descendants of Noach: The Seventy Nations
The Tower of Babel and the Dispersion
The Ten Generations from Noach to Avraham

Monday, October 19, 2009


If I am I b/c I am I, and you are you b/c you are you, than I am I and you are you. But if I am I b/c you are you, and you are you b/c I am I than I am not and you are not. The Kotzker Rebbe

It has been said that it requires great fortitude to be a believer. Perhaps so, but it requires even greater fortitude to be a non-believer. True, the belief in God leaves one with the conclusion that human suffering makes no sense, but not believing leaves one with the conclusion that nothing makes sense. Choose Life

Friday, October 16, 2009

Kitzur Parshas Hashavua ( From The Artscroll Chumash)

The Beginning:
First Day
Second Day
Third Day
Fourth Day
Firth Day
Sixth Day
Seventh Day: The Sabbath
The Garden of Eden
Man in the Garden
The Serpent's Enticement
The Sinners Are Punished
Man's Expulsion from Eden
Cain and Abel
The Descendants of Cain
The Genealogy of Mankind
The Ten Generations from Adam to Noach
Prelude to the Flood

Thursday, October 15, 2009

And some more....

"Torah is the electricity and Israel is the light bulb. Only Torah can make Israel shine and only through Israel is Torah, the resplendence of thee Creator revealed in this world. When all of Israel will shine forth with the light of Torah in it's full beauty in the days of the Mashiach, the mission begun by Avraham will be complete. Then all of the nations will see how creation was meant to be in the beginning. They will thank and admire us for being different throughout all of the centuries of persecution. It will not sound strange to them to hear that the Jewish people are a chosen people and that the world was created for Israel." Choose Life by Ezriel Tauber

The Begining of Quotable Quotes!

Beraishis is a new beginning so we start with a new flow to the blog. Here it goes.....

"Being in God's presence calls for a different manner of living, thinking, speaking and doing that is much more refined and sacred." Where Heaven and Earth Kiss by Ozer Bergman