Friday, May 4, 2007

Parashas Emor. A kingdom of Priests, and a holy nation!!!

"Va'yomer Hashem el Moshe emor el ha'cohanim bnei Aharon v'amarata eleihem lnefesh lo yotama b'amav./And Hashem said to Moshe, speak to the priests, the sons of Aharon, and say to them, for a person he shall not defile himself among his people." (Vayikra 21:1)

The Chozeh of Lublin explained this pasuk that Moshe was told that the cohanim should be worthy descendants of Aharon. That is, just as Aharon had the midah/trait of loving and pursuing peace, so too they should also work on this midah. That is why the end of the pasuk warns that even though they should try to make peace between people whenever they can, they must be very careful not to defile themselves in the process. Now all of you non cohanim don't think this doesn't apply to all of us as well. We are after all a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation!!

"V'shamru es mishmarti v'lo yisu alav chet./And they shall observe My charge, and they shall not bear sin for it." (Vayikra 22:9)
Rashi explains that this pasuk is warning to the priests (and the rest of the Jews as well!) not to eat trumah while they are in a state of Tumah.
Even though eating trumah is the fulfillment of a mitzvah, they must be very careful not to do so in a manner that will turn the potential good in a transgression. Rabbi Yeruchem Levovitz commented that we see here an important principle; that even when a person id involved in doing Hashem's service, he must be very careful that no transgressions should come from it. And yes of course Reb Nachman says the same thing!!! In Torah Aleph in Lekutei Moharan when explaining the story of Rabbah bar bar Chanah's story. (Baba Basra 73a) "That wave which would sink a ship appears to have a spark of white flame at its crest...(the white flame at its crest is the yetzer hara who disguises himself in good deeds....) What's the solution? We beat it with a staff on which was etched Ehyeh asher Ehyeh (In short, we beat him with the Torah!!!)
That brings us to Lag Ba'Omer. Without going any longer we can say that Lag Ba'Omer is a celebration of Torah!! For more on the subject check this out. Have a great Shabbos and a wonderful Lag Ba'Omer!!!
peace & joy,

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