Friday, August 24, 2007

"When you go out to war against your enemies!!"

Elul! The clock is ticking down, a time of introspection and planning. "Ki Seitzei l'milchama al oivecha.../When you go out to war against your enemies..." (Devarim 21:10) As the Torah comes closer to it's conclusion, we start getting ready to take what we learned and try and incorporate it into our daily lives. The Torah helps us prepare for the everyday battles which make up our time on this earth.

If you can't beat em, trick em! The continuation of the above quoted pasuk is; "and Hashem, your God, will deliver them in your hand, and you will capture its captivity." (Devarim 21:10) "Your ememies" is the Yetzer Harah. "and Hashem, your God, will deliver them in your hand..." means to say that the Yetzer Harah will give, Hashem, your God, into your hands. Like it says "A Tzadik can rule with Fear of Hashem." (Shmuel Bet:23) The Torah is teaching us how to do this with the story of the Yifas toar, "and you will capture its captivity." means to say that you should use the Yetzer's schemes to better your Avodas Hashem. Eg:He tells you to be haughty, you just say back "How could I be a true ruler, if I'm haughty?" "V'dai mayveen." (Likeutei Moharan A:107)

The following I found at the
"No male article shall be on a woman, and a man shall not wear women's clothing. Whoever does such things is loathsome to God your Lord." (Deuteronomy 22:5)

Even though this verse contains two distinct mitzvos, the former addressed to women and the latter to men, both mitzvos contain advice for each gender.

Each of us is a microcosm and thus we contain within ourselves both male and female characteristics. Among "male" traits are those which move a person to be aggressive and war-like, to claim for himself that which he has earned, "conquered". "Female" characteristics include the ability to admit weakness and to be submissive. We are all aware, however, that there are times and places in which a person has to "borrow" traits from the other gender in order to properly respond to a situation at hand.

Reb Noson z"al gives the following as an example: When a person stands in prayer before God he must be careful to present himself as powerless, totally dependent on God's good graces. One cannot claim that he deserves that which he is asking for; that is wearing a "male article" at a time when one needs to acknowledge that he would be impotent, were it not for God's constant help.

On the other hand there are times when the opposite has to be avoided, when "a man shall not wear women's clothing." There are situations where a Jew has to take a stand to prevent or uproot evil, whether within himself, in his family or in his community. (Of course, before you "shoot your gun" make sure you know what you're doing!)

Interestingly enough, the outcome of either of these offenses "is loathsome to God." Rashi comments on each mitzvah that its transgression leads to lewdness, which, our Sages tell us (Sanhedrin 93a) is an anathema to Hashem. In our context that means that the conceit which doesn't allow one to submit himself to God's will will also push him to "conquer" others whom he shouldn't (even if only in his mind).

So, too, if a person doesn't stand up to the evil urges within himself when he really ought to, then his drives will continue to abuse his submissiveness and push him to thoughts, words and actions that God finds loathsome.

In this month of Elul, when we are preparing for Rosh HaShanah, let us follow the advice of our holy works and take extra care to preserve and improve our kedushah (holiness, sexual purity). Make sure you "dress right" for every occasion!

And one more to make up for the past few weeks! ;>

The Ari"zal ha'kadosh notes the fact that our pasuk starts off in the singular "When you go out to war..." and then says "your enemies.." in plural, and then "and give Him into your hands.." back to the singular. The lesson in this says the Ari"zal is that if you have true unity and are as one when you go out against your enemies, then even though your enemies are very numerous (hence the plural) you will be victorious as if they were only one. (Beurei Hamekubalim B'niglah) Brought in Growth Through Torah.

So lets keep on trying to get it together, till we finally bring the Moshiach out of hiding! To help us in the building of The Third Beis Hamikdash! Speedily! In our days! Amen!

2 Shabbossim to go!!! 16 days!!! Uman!! Uman!!! Rosh Hashanah!!!

peace and joy, have a wonderful Shabbos,


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