Friday, September 4, 2009

Parashas Ki Savo - Rejoice with all the good the Almighty has given you.

"V'samachta bkol hatov asher natan lecha Hashem Elokecha/And you shall rejoice with all the good that the Almighty has given you" (Devarim 26:11)

This is a mitzvah. We are obligated to feel joy with what we were given by Hashem the Almighty. Why do we need a directive to rejoice since we should automatically be happy when we have good things? Man's nature is to constantly want more than he presently has. "He who has one hundred wants two hundred" (Koheles Rabbah 1:34) Our moments of joy are always mixed with a certain amount of sadness over what we lack. The Torah, therefore, commands us to rejoice with what we have. We should always strive to feel a joy that is complete. Lack of joy with what we have is destructive both physically and spiritually. (Rabbi Mordechai Gifter; Pirkei Torah)

It's like Rebbe Nachman always said"Mitzvah Gedolah Lehios B'simcha tamid/It is a great mitzvah to always be happy!!!!!"

Have a wonderful Shabbos and please join me in welcoming The Family Jewels back to the blogging world!!!!

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