Thursday, May 14, 2015

And we continue...

Obliged to Think

The paths of life are not limited to major life-changing decisions. Every morning when Jew says Shema, he or she accepts the yoke of Heaven upon himself and expresses the desire to walk in Hashem's ways. This helps improve him; he learns to recognize the spiritual significance of his every action. In the words of King David, " ואשיבה רגלי אל עדותיך..."And I turned my feet to Your testimony...." 
The feet are the lowest part of a person, and his thoughts are the highest. Being constantly aware of the yoke of Heaven and scrutinizing every deed to be sure that it is appropriate, elevates our lowest levels and brings them higher, and therefore closer to Hashem.
This way of life includes additional benefits as well. Before "walking in Hashem's ways" all of the mitzvos seem like chukim, incomprehensible decrees that must be followed without though or question. But as a person incorporates them into his life, they take on meaning and he begins to feel the truth of each and every mitzvah. Appreciation and understanding is part of the reward of keeping the mitzvah, as Chazal say: "שמצוה גוררת מצוה...the reward for a mitzvah is another mitzvah".
Thinking out our actions is the first step of a process whose outcome is beyond our meager understanding. Man must suffice in knowing that he must keep the mitzvos and cleave to them. His avodas Hashem may take him in an unanticipated direction and he must learn to "go with the flow", and recalculate his path to follow the guiding hand of providence wherever it may lead him. 

At the begining of the parasha Rashi explains that walking in Hashem's ways means devoting ourselves to the struggle of learning Torah. The effects of that struggle influence the entire world. Chazal teach us: "They said in the name of Dvei Eliyahu - "Man should always be like an ox to the yoke, like a donkey to carry, and like an animal which plows in the valley and field. So should a man work and plow in the words of Torah every day continuously....." (Tana Dbei Eliyahu Zuta 1)

The Sfas Emes explains that our world is called the "world of action" and is connected to higher spiritual planes. Man is called a "walker" the spiritual elements of his sould traverse these planes. By performing mitzvos and doing chassadim/good deeds he ties this physical world to those higher planes of existence. This is only accomplished through devoting oneself to the Torah, which encompasses every detail of this world. Man is like an ox to the yoke when he accepts the yoke of heaven upon himself to live a life of amal haTorah. Then he becomes like a donkey to carry, bearing the weight of the entire world and elevating it as he grows.

Devotion to Torah brings a life force onto the entire creation. The Torah promises  וְנָתַתִּ֥י גִשְׁמֵיכֶ֖ם בְּעִתָּ֑ם then I will give your rains in their season, (Vayikra 26:4)The Hebrew word for rain - geshem, has a double meaning. Literally it refers to rain, nut it also encompasses everything physical. The entire material world is given to us in its proper time and place when we "walk in His ways" by working and plowing the words of the Torah.    

We'll finish it off tomorrow bli neder.....Till then......

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