Monday, October 1, 2012

Zman Simchaseinu! The time of our happiness! It's like....

So, every one of the "Shalosh Regalim / 3 Festival's" has it's lesson, it's essence, it's power that it infuses in each and every one of us to take throughout the following year. Pesach/Planting is redemption, freedom. Shavuos/Harvesting, is Torah, devotion to Hashem and his Torah. And Succos/ is Party time, Happy time. The sages teach us that if you didn't see the Simcha's Beis Ha'shoeva in the Beis Hamikdash then you've never seen Simcha/true happiness in your life. Everyone was there! The party of the year! True simcha! No open bar, no funny stuff, no distractions, no peer pressure, no dress codes, no nothing! Only Simcha! Crazy dancing straight from the heart! True happiness that we've never seen, and never experienced! So how do we tap in to this simcha in our time in our situations?!? We're so far from the Beis Ha'mikdash, so far from true Simcha, from true spirituality, so what, how and when do we do? Simple as usual, because thats what we do, we keep it simple! Go out of your house! Go out of your box! Open your mind! Be more receptive! Let God into your life! Make more friends! Invite more people, different people into your life! Teach what you know! Learn what you don't! Then slowly, slowly, the true simcha will come! When we set aside all differences with our contemporaries which have at their roots the rot of jealousy we thus bind together the four species, which symbolize our ability to live with and love all types of Jews — both those whom we perceive to be better and those whom we regard as worse than ourselves. If we realize that the klal only functions at its best as a whole, each person performing his different but equally crucial role, then we cannot be jealous of each other. Looking with a “good eye” on our fellow is, then, the solution to our inconsiderate disposition.  My favorite thing on Succos, after the chilling and the food, is when you start a song in your Succah and next thing you know the whole neighborhood is singing together. Truth is, that it never happened to me besides in my dreams, but our constant message is that if it would actually happen Mashiach would finally reveal himself, because I believe that he is actually already here he's just waiting for the call to reveal himslef. And it will be the little things like this that will bring him out. Yes, the learning, the davening etc. will also bring him out, but it will be more the small things that we do everyday. Like inviting strangers into our Succah to make a brach and share a smile. Like going to a party and dancing with a total stranger. Like helping a stranger in the supermarket. Like trying to make peace between people having a disagreement. Like smiling at everyone you pass even if you don't mean it. Like teaching your kids that us Jews come in all different colors sizes and practices, but we're all batting for the same team and we all want to reach the same goal. Like giving charity unconditionally. Like making food for someone having a hard time or who's just too busy. Like helping a kid (either yours or someone else's) feel good about himself no matter what. Like saying a nice word to a stranger. Like helping someone get their packages into a cab ;).