Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Peace of mind. True freedom!

The main way to achieve and maintain a settled mind is by being happy. This is because when a person is happy, he can direct his mind as he wishes, and he can settle his mind to think about the ultimate, eternal purpose of his life. For joy is the realm of freedom, and consequently, when a person bunds joy to his mind, his mind is then free and not in exile. Then he can attain a settled mind. Abridged Likutey Mohoran 2:10:2

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Some Kuzari

I ask only freedom from obliging the masses,
My meaning, is serving people
To find favor in their eyes
And to carry out their will,
And even if I would make the effort all my life
I wouldn't achieve this.

And even if I would achieve this
It wouldn't be of any use to me.
I ask only for the submission to One
Which, with only a kittle difficulty, is possible to achieve,
And it will help me in this world, and in the works to come.
My intention, to find favor in the eyes of the Lord, Blessed be He,
And to carry out His wishes.

Serving the Creator is the true freedom
And humbling oneself before Him is the true honor
By which man is made free from obliging the many.
Kuzari. Article 5,60,25

Monday, January 2, 2012

If only we all said this once in a while.....

Master of the universe, I hereby forgive anyone who angered or antagonized me or who sinned against me whether against my body, whether against my property, whether against my honor, or whether against anything that is mine; whether he did so accidentally, whether willfully, whether carelessly, or whether purposely, whether through speech, whether through deed, whether in deliberation, or with fleeting thought, whether in this transmigration, whether in another transmigration. I forgive every Jew. May no person be punished because of me. May it be the will before You, Hashem, my god, and the god of my forefathers, that I not sin anymore. Whatever sins I may have done before You, may you erase in Your mercies, that are abundant, but not through suffering or illnesses that are bad. May the expressions of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart find favor before You, Hashem, my Rock and my Redeemer. Krias Shema Al Hamitah.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Love your fellow Jew.

What this Chareidi says. This is what I can try do :)

I live in Beit Shemesh and consider myself "Charedi". One who trembles at the word of G-D, or at least hopes to one day at least. We learn that all world events are sent to relay messages to the Jewish people. The message I am taking from this whole very sad situation is to try and better myself. I can try to learn a little more, daven a little better, do more nice deeds, try and love every Jew! That's all I can try to do, and I think if we all try a little bit more these days we'll be able to greet Mashiach together!!! Speedily!!!! In our days!!!! Amen!!!!