Friday, June 15, 2007

Parasshas Korach - Lets not fight!!! A Great Rosh Chodesh Tamuz to one and all!

Lets notHey everybody! I hope this find you all as well as can be!! We'll start off this week with a beautiful thought that I saw this week.
If you spend your week working and aspiring to fulfill HaShem's commandments, Friday morning you will already feel the Shabbath awakening within you, this is a sign that your week was successful in your service of HaShem.
Noam Elimelech - פרשת בשלח
I guess it's easier for us who are zoche to be here in Eretz Yisroel and have off on Erev Shabbos!

"Vayikach Korach/And Korach took..." (Bamidbar 16:1)
Rashi z"ya says that he took himself away from/apart from the community. From here we learn that Korach separated himself from Klall Yisroel, and put a barrier between himself and the faithful people. There is an interesting halacha that we learn out from a gemara in Zevachim (98:). When talking about the laws of purity the gemara says "Blood on the clothing is "chotzetz/a separation",(in other words makes the person impure), but if he is a butcher it isn't chotzetz. Rashi explains over there that chatziztza/separations depend on "kpeida/a persons mindset. So we see from this gemara that the halachcic status can be based upon something spiritual/mental and not on the physical/the facts on the ground.

Shlomo Hamelech z"ya says "As water reflects a face back to a face, so one's heart is reflected back to him by another." (Mishlei/Proverbs 27:19) If a person looks into a pool of water, he will see an exact reflection of himself unless there is a chatziza/separation (which we said doesn't have to be physical but yet could be in a persons mind) which will then cause him to see nothing. So too a true friend , a person whom you love, whose love is not dependent on anything. A true friend who asks only for the good of his friend, is called a friend without separations, a friend without boundaries, and can see into the sould (true needs) of his friend. There is a bond and a true understanding between two friends like these. There is a constant connection between their hearts, hence Shlomo Ha'melech said "ones hearts is reflected back to him by another. R' Hirsch z"ya said on this pasuk "Kindred hearts find their sentiments, feelings and convictions reflected in one another. This was the tragedy of Korach. By his coveting honor and rulership, he created a barrier between himself and Moshe Rabeinu which in turn cause a separation between himself and Hashem which in turn caused him to have such a twisted outlook on the Torah. (This is taken from Pi Ha'bear my Rebbe Rav Brody's hebrew sefer on the parasha. I hope I did justice with the translation.)

May we be zoche to have only "true friends" and may we only reflect good onto one and another.

And for those situations when people can't get along as true friends.
"Va'yishlach Moshe l'Dasan v'lAviram bnei Eliav va'yomru lo na'aleh/And Moshe sent to call Dasan and Aviram the sons of Eliav, and they said, we will not go up" (Bamidbar 16:12)
Rashi brings the gemara from Sanhedrin (110.) that from here we see the principle that one should not keep up a quarrel. Moshe took the initiative to go after them and make peace. Reb Yitzchak of Vorki z"ya said: the sages said that there is no chazakah in a quarrel. A chazakah means that since a situation is a certain way we can assume that it was that way before and will remain that way. If you try to make peace when there is a quarrel, never say that since you tried and it didn't work it will be impossible to make peace. No chazakahs! Theres always a chance for peace.

May we use these lessons to try and make as much peace as possible and make as many true friends as possible and in that merit we will greet the Mashiach who will help us in the building of the third and final Beis Hamikdash! Speedily! In our days! Amen!

A great Shabbos to one and all! And a wonderful Rosh Chodesh! Another chance for renewal!

peace and joy,

p.s I hope to be spending more time (bli neder) on the blog starting next week. I know I've said this before, but stay tuned! This time it may just happen!

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