Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Reb Nachman z"ya on traveling.

Being that I'm traveling to the USofA tomorrow morning I figured I would share something I saw recently in Sichos Haran.
A man once asked the Rebbe whether he should make a particular journey. The Rebbe answered that if you have occasion to travel, you should not remain at home and stubbornly refuse to go. Wherever you travel, there are things you must correct. You must only be careful not to sin there. If you do not sin, you can correct things wherever you travel. Even if you are an average person, you will do holy things in each place. You will pray, say a blessing over food, and many similar things. For even the lowliest Jew does holy things wherever he goes.

Each man is destined from on high to be in a particular place at a given time. At that time and place there is something that he must correct. When you have occasion to travel, it is for your own good. If you would not make the journey voluntarily, you would be forced to go in chains, as we learn in the gemara (Shabbos 89:)"Yackov would have had to come to Egypt in chains, but was saved by his merit."

This is true of every man. If you find it necessary to travel, it is a favor from on high. Otherwise you might have had to make the journey in chains.

This is true even of the average person; for as long as he does not sin in any way, he accomplishes great things wherever he may be. (Sichos Haran 85)

I hope and pray that I do not sin on my coming trip and that I accomplish that which I was meant to from on high. I look forward to seeing everyone soon.
peace and joy,

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