Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Don't forget Parshas Ha'mon today! It's all about Emunah!

In this weeks parsha, parshas Beshalach, we find Parshas Ha'mon (16:4-35) the story of our receiving the manna bread after leaving Egypt. We'll speak more about it bli neder and how it like everything else all ties into Emunah. For today lets not forget that Reb Mendel M'Riminov says that saying Parshas Ha'mon (Shneyim Mikroh V'Echod Targum - Shneyim Mikroh V'Echod Targum is Layning it twice with the Trup, then saying the Unkelus once.) on Tuesday Parshas B'Shalach is a Segulah for Parnassah. The following was received from a dear friend who received it from Rav Avraham Greenbaum.

Those who "know the times" teach that on Tuesday of the week of Parshas Beshallach -- which falls this year on Tuesday 11 Shevat / 30 Jan -- it is very propitious for livelihood to recite Parshas Ha'mon, the Torah section that speaks of the Manna (Shmos 16:4-35). Those who read Hebrew should preferably read the Hebrew text twice over, verse by verse, together with the Aramaic Targum. Reading the text in English will also surely help! The recital of this passage should be preceded and followed by prayers for livelihood. The very recognition that the livelihood God sends us is "Manna" itself enhances our appreciation and enjoyment of what we have.

Click the link below for Parshas Hamon on-line.


Text of the prayers to be added before and after reading the psukim (The Hebrew prayers are found in most sidurim after Shachris:

BEFORE: May it be Your will, HaShem our God and God of our fathers, that you should provide livelihood for all Your people the House of Israel, and my livelihood and that of all my household among them, easily and without pain, with honor and not with shame, in permissible and not through forbidden ways, in order that we may carry out Your service and study Your Torah just as You sustained our ancestors with Manna in a dry and desolate land.

AFTER: You alone are God: You made the heavens and the heavens of the heavens, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You sustain them all, and it is You who constantly performed great miracles and wonders for our ancestors. Even in the wilderness You caused bread to rain down for them from heaven, and from the flinty rock You brought forth water, and You also gave them all that they needed, and their clothes did not wear out. So too in Your abundant mercy and very great kindness, feed us, sustain us and provide all our many needs and those of Your People, the House of Israel, plentifully and abundantly, without great effort and toil, from Your pure, clean hand and not from the hand of flesh and blood.

May it be Your will, HaShem my God and God of my fathers, that you should prepare for me and all the members of my household all that we require, and provide sufficient for all our needs every day of our lives, and enough for each and every hour, with sufficient to give life to every one of our bones and limbs in accordance with Your good and generous hand and not according to our own few accomplishments or limited kindness. Let my livelihood and the livelihood of the members of my household, my seed and the seed of my seed be entrusted in Your hand and not in the hand of flesh and blood. Amen.


A sneak preview of this weeks Family Jewels on the parsha: How is it all about Emunah? This is something that I heard from Rav Brody, which should be posted soon on www.emunah.tv. (Shmos 16:15) "Va'yiru Bnei Yisroel va'yomru ish el achiv man hoo?...."/"Bnei Yisroel saw and said "it is food", because they did not know what is was.." Notice how the letters of "man hoo" also spell Emunah!!! It's all about just giving it up to Hashem!!!

Peace and joy,

Anyone with anything interesting to post, please let me know so we could start having more than 1-2 postings per week. Comments and constructive criticisms are always welcome as well.

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