Sunday, April 22, 2007

Yom Hazikaron. We're in this together.

This time of year in Israel is always very interesting. On one hand we're holding in the middle of the Sefira, which although it didn't start of as a time of mourning after the tragedy of Rabbi Akiva's students it was turned into a time of mourning and deep introspection. On the other hand, wherever you look you see flags flying , colorful banners, and people going around saying "chag sameach." My point here is not to even touch upon the difference of opinions between whoever they may be. My point is that the time has come to put our differences aside and come together as a nation. Allthough we may not agree with the politics, the ideas, or whatever, the bottom line is that many people were killed for this land, many Jews were killed so that we could be living here now, and each and every Jew no matter from what "sector" has to learn to respect that. As for the day after Yom Hazikaron. We have to be thankful to Hashem for all of the nissim that he has done for us as a nation as individuals on a daily basis. Every day is independence day! Every day is thanksgiving! So lets start making an effort to come together despite our differences, and then maybe we will merit getting some help from Mashiach! Speedily! In our days! Amen!
peace & joy,
P.S. I posted a video for Yom Hazikaron.

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