Friday, July 20, 2007

Parashas Devarim - A New Begining! Chazara for the future!

"Eileh ha devarim asher diber Moshe el col Yisroel...../These are the words that Moshe spoke to all of Israel..."(Devarim 1:1)

The fifth book of the Torah, Devarim, Mishne Torah, the final words of Moshe Rabeinu spoken in the last five weeks of his life. Rashi z'ya says; Devarim/Words refers to Moshe's strong words of rebuke, and, indeed, Moshe begins his teachings here by reminding his listeners of the many national shortcomings since leaving Mitzrayim.

I'm going to try and translate a little Torah on Tochacha/Rebuke, from Likutiey Mohoran Taninah 8:1.
The continuation of the above quoted Rashi z'ya says, that the reason Moshe disguised his rebuke with the names of the places where they occurred, is in order to respect the honor of the Jewish people. The pasuk in Vayikra (19:?) told us "Hochiach tochiach es amisecha.../You shall rebuke your fellow man..." Rabbi Akiva in the gemara (Erichin 17:) says, I would be amazed if there is anyone in this generation that can give rebuke. How much more so in our generation! For when one who isn't worthy of giving rebuke, rebukes someone, it causes a stink. By rebuking a person you bring up his past misdeeds, and this causes a spiritual stink. It's the same as something physically stinky, if you don't move it it wont stink as much. This spiritual stink weakens the Neshomas/Spirits, of all those involved. This causes the Shefa/??? to stop flowing from all of the worlds that these Neshamos are connected to. The source of most of the Neshomas power comes from smells as we see in the gemara (Brachos 43:) From where do we know that you make a bracha on smells? From "Col haneshama t'halle ka halleluka./Let every soul praise G-d, praise G-d." Tehilim 150) What does the Nehsama get pleasure from, and not the body? I would say smell. That is how by giving rebuke improperly and causing this spiritual stink it weakens the souls and stops the shefa. Ah, but one who is worthy of giving tochacha causes a pleasant, sweet smell. Tochacha needs to be like the tochacha of Moshe, who when rebuking the Jews for the golden calf, gave them a sweet smell, as it says "Nirdee nasan reicho/my nard gave forth its fragrance" (A reference to the bad smell caused by the Ches Ha'eigel.) (Shir Ha'Shirim 1:12) It doesn't say "Azav.../Left..." but rather "Nasan.../Gave..." like Rashi z'ya says over there in Shir Ha'Shirim and like it says in the gemara (Shabbos 88:) For through the tochacha of Moshe on the ches ha'eigel he added and gave them a reiach tov/pleasant smell, which is bicheenas/??? "Mizona d'nishmasa/food for the soul.

I guess one lesson we can try to learn from this Torah is to watch what we say about other people. That is the theme of the season after all. Let's promote Ahavas Chinam! A finally bring the light of Moshiach out! So that he could help us in the building of the third and final Beis Ha'Mikdash!!! Speedily! In our days! Amen!

peace and joy, have a wonderful Shabbos!!!!
look out for our special Tisha B'Av posting. If you didn't subscribe on the blog yet, please do because I'm not having any luck with the e-mail!

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