Thursday, May 22, 2008

Lag BaOmer - The day we've all been waiting for

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai alone was given permission to reveal the great mysteries contained in the Hidden Teachings. (Zohar III:124b)

Prior to Rabbi Akiva's passing, this great teacher of the Jewsih people summoned his two beloved disciples, Rabbi Shimon and Rabbi Meir. They asked Rabbi Akiva which of them would be replacing him. Rabbi Akiva said "Rabbi Meir shall take over the position as head of the Yeshiva." Then, turning to Rabbi Shimon he said, "It is sufficient that your Creator and I knopw the level of your greatness" (Yerushalmi, Sanhedrin 2).

Rabbi Shimon said, "I have the power to correct the entire world; I can exempt the whole world from judgment" (Sukkah 45b).

Rabbi Shimon was leaving the cave where he and his son Rabbi Elazar had been hiding from the Romans for thirteen years. They were talking about the righteousness which exists in the world when Rabbi Shimon said, "It is enough that you and I are in the world." Another time he said, "I myself have sufficient merit for the entire world" (Shabbos 33b, Sukkah 45b).

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai was the Foundation of the world, the True Tzaddik.

These teachings reveal only a small degree of Rabbi Shimon's greatness and give only a partial glimpse of the true benefit that he brought to the world. This being the case, Reb Nosson asks the following question: On the 33rd day of the Omer Counting we celebrate the passing of the True Tzaddik, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. This in itself is a great wonder, and obvious contradiction. How can we celebrate and enjoy Lag BaOmer, when it recalls the day when such great good and benefit was taken from the world? What kind of celebration is this? On the contrary, we should rend our garments, as for the destruction of the Beis Ha'Mikdash; as our sages taught, "The passing of a Tzadik is more severe than the Beis Ha'Mikdash's destruction!
To answer this, Reb Nosson quotes the passuk, "The Tzaddik is lost; yet nobody bothers to note what has happened. People of kindness are taken away; yet no one understands. It is because of the evil that approaches, that the Tzaddik is lost" (Isaiah 57:1). Our sages teach that the very great Tzaddikim pass away prior to the onset of terrible evil in the world. For them, this is a blessing; so that they should not have to witness the great suffering which Heaven has decreed, so that their eyes should not have to see all the multitude of troubles that is about to befall the Jewish people (Sanhedrin 113b).
Reb Nosson then goes on to explain that the powers of the "Tzaddikim are greater after their passsing then when they were alive" (Brachos 18a). If we examine the Tzaddik's main purpose in life, we see that all of his efforts are devoted to rectifying the Jews and bringing about goodness, both physical and spiritual. Through the Tzaddik comes an abundance of wealth and livelihood, an abundance of Torah and repentance. However, as long as the Tzaddik's sould is housed in a body, he is restricted. This is because the body, by defenition, is a physical limitation. The Tzaddik is therefore prevented from rising to the greatest heights, and even the abundance which he does bring is governed by thsi restriction. His influence can only go so far, until such a time that his soul is divested of its bodily enclosure.
This why there is cause for celebration on Lag Ba'Omer. True, it is the day that Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai passed away from this world. But, Rabbi Shimon is in heaven; Rabbi Shimon is spiritual. if during his lifetime he had sufficient merit to keep the world in existence, how much more so now that he is no longer restricted by the physical! His powers can now reach such incomprehensible heights and levels that the abundance and benefit he can now bring to the world far surpass whatever had been possible while he was alive.
This is the explanation of the passuk, "The Tzaddik is lost...because of the evil that approaches..." The Tzaddik's entire being is devoted to combating and destroying evil. However, his ability to do so is limited by his physical body. Therefore, Hashem removes this Tzaddik from the world prior to the evils coming. thsi is so that the Tzaddik's body will no longer restrict his efforts to help the Jews. In heaven he is free to mitigate the harsh decree. And this is the true reason for celebration on Lag Ba'Omer. On the 33rd day of the Omer, many many years ago, Rabbis Shimon bar Yochai's powers to bring help and salvation to all of Israel increased manifold (Likutey Halachos, Hechsher Keilim 4).

The gretaness of Lag Ba'Omer is that it represents the conclusion of the period of mourning for the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva. Through the spiritual strength and power of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, and through the unity and peace between all Jews, it is possible to rectify even the greatest losses and tragedies that befall the Jewish people (Likutey Halachos, Rosh Chodesh 6).

That's all for now. If I don't get back here before Shabbos , that have a great one . Till next time.....

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