Monday, March 23, 2009

Pesach is here! Lets start with some Reb Nosson!!!

My beloved son,
On erev Shabbos I sent you a lengthy letter I'm certain you enjoyed it. And thanks to Hashem the letter I wrote you has helped me as well, with the help of Hashem. Pay heed to those things, and you will pleasure forever.
For now there is nothing new to bring up.The joy of the chag that is upon us for good should be pleasant for you. And you should merit to be constantly renewed from now on and forever, to escape from slavery to true freedom forever, from chametz to matazah and you should not let your mind turn sour, anymore G-d forbid, with any foreign thoughts, or even worse any forbidden desires chas v'shalom. And you should fulfill: "Rebuke ChayaT (the beast) of the reed" as explained in Siman 5, look there {But the most important thing is that a person safegaurd his mind from being chametz. This is (Tehilim 68:31) "Rebuke ChayaT (the beast) of the reed" As the Zohar (3, 252a) states; Break the reed of the CheT and make it a heh, thus transforming the letters Chametz into Matzah. Your wisdom will then not turn sour. Lekutey Moharan #5:4, pg: 208 in the BRI edition.} Alim L'trufah. Letters of Reb Nosson

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