Friday, September 11, 2009

Parashas Nitzovim

"V'haya ki yavou alecha kol ha'devarim ha'eleh ha'bracha v'ha'klalah asher nasati lefanecha vhashevosa el levavecha/And it will be when all these things come to you, the blessing and the curse which I have given before you, and you shall take it to your heart." (Devorim 30:1)

Rav Yonason Eybeshutz explained that every life situation has its unique test of our character and can either be utilized for growth or can cause a person to have new faults. When a person is blessed with financial success, he can free his mind from things that distract his concentration during prayers and Torah study. Poverty, too, can help a person elevate himself by breaking his arrogance and conceit. This will be beneficial in his relationship with Hashem and with his fellowman. On the other hand, wealth can cause a person to commit all kinds of wrongdoings and to distance himself from Hashem. Poverty also can prevent a person from seeking self improvement. Everything is dependent on how a person utilizes or misuses both the good fortune and the difficulties that Hashem sends to test him. Therefore the Torah tells us "you shal take it to heart." It is entirely up to us (with Hashems help of course!) how we respond to various life-tests. Talk to Hashem about it, ask Him what your supposed to learn, which way your supposed to go. As we see in the end of the parasha "Ki karov elecha hadavar meod bficha ubilvavecha la'asoso/The matter is very close to you in your mouth and heart to do it." (Devorim 30:14) As the saying goes "Just do it!!!" And even if you cant at this time just the desire that you have for doing the right thing gets you credit!

Have a great Shabbos. See you in Uman!!!!

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