Thursday, December 16, 2010

A good word from The Mash! don't forget to support Neve Tzion!

Dear Alumni and Friends,

I was bothered or more correctly, stimulated by a question while davening last Shabbos. We all know the importance of saying ‘ashrei’ three times a day and that the Talmud in Brachos 4b promises us that we are World to Come material if we do so daily. Being an observant Jew, you have certainly noticed that of the entire alphabet only the verse beginning with a ‘nun’ is omitted. That same Gemora tells us that it is omitted because Dovid Hamelech did not want to use the verse, “she has fallen and will not get up” (the Prophet Amos is telling us that there will be no further kings or leadership from the ten tribes until the redemption.) However, the Talmud notes, Dovid in his Ruach Hakodesh hinted to this in the very next verse for the letter ‘somech’ that “Hashem lifts up all those who fall and supports them.”

Excuse my audacity but is this a game? We omit a passuk that speaks of falling but immediately return to the concept of failure and stumbling with the very next passuk. Of course, you know the answer but it is worthwhile to focus and internalize the message.

We omit the verse. But we don’t deny the existence and almost inevitability of failures. The message is… just don’t focus on the failure, don’t dwell on the stumbling. That is why we omit the verse. Know and believe that if you struggle to pick yourself up, Hashem is going to assist you. That should be the way we relate to our shortcomings and inadequacies.

The walls of Yerushalayim during the First Beis Hamikdash were breached on Asara B’Teves (tomorrow). We mourn the loss of the Bais Hamikdash. We mourn the loss of the almost tangible presence of Hashem, the loss of the one place in which sanctity and purity prevailed. But at the same time we know that the hope of redemption, that the very seed of the geulah is this caring for and being involved with our people’s loss. “They who mourn the loss of the Bais Hamikdash will be worthy to witness its rebuilding.”

Have an easy and meaningful fast and a great Shabbos.



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