Sunday, May 10, 2015

Parashas Bechukosai..."Walk in My chukim/statutes"......Follow in Hashem's ways....

To make up for missing last week, and for missing Pesach Sheiny ( can never miss it! Theres always more time!) I decided to try spreading it out throughout the week and cover whatever we can. I hope this works for you!

This week we take from the sefer Flow from the Source written by Rabbi Yehuda Fierstein ( which is based on the works of the Sfas Emes.

אִם־בְּחֻקֹּתַ֖י תֵּלֵ֑כוּ וְאֶת־מִצְוֺתַ֣י תִּשְׁמְר֔וּ וַעֲשִׂיתֶ֖ם אֹתָֽם׃
If you walk in My statutes, and keep My commandments, and do them;
Psukim copied from

Chukim are the mitzvos that have no logical reason and are subject to ridicule by the non-Jewish world (Rashi, Bamidbar 19:2). Parashas Bechukosai begins with he idea of "walking in the chukim" of Hashem. The commentators interpret this idea in various ways as always. The Midrash begins the parasha with a pasuk from Tehillim:

אם בחקותי תלכו - הדא הוא דכתיב (תהלים קיט) חשבתי דרכי ואשיבה רגלי אל עדותיך. אמר דוד: רבש"ע! בכל יום ויום הייתי מחשב ואומר: למקום פלוני ולבית דירה פלונית אני הולך והיו רגלי מביאות אותי לבתי כנסיות ולבתי מדרשות, הדא הוא דכתיב: ואשיבה רגלי אל עדותיך. ר' הונא, בשם ר' אחא אמר: חשבתי מתן שכרן של מצות והפסדן של עבירות, ואשיבה רגלי אל עדותיך. 
If you walk in My statutes..." This is what is written - "I considered my ways and I turned my feet to your testimonies...(Theism 119:59)." Dovid Hamelech said, "Master of the Universe! Everyday I would plan and say that I have to go to a certain particular place today, or to a particular dwelling. And my feet would bring me to a house of prayer or a house of learning. " This is what is meant by "And I turned my feet to Your testimony...."

A regular tzaddik can dwell within a closed world where his path in worship is predefined and clear, but not so with Dovid Hamelech. A king cannot allow himself the luxury of closing his palace and locking the doors. Everyday he is faced with a myriad of new and different situations. Every place, every thing contain a point of connection to Hashem. But if one views the world superficially, that connection gets hidden (not taken away).

Dovid Hamelech called the challenges that confronted him everyday "dwellings" because while every home seems different, uniquely suited to the personality  of those living within, the final goal of each one is the same.  To provide a fitting environment for Devine service to the people who live there. Dovid Hamelech had to visit many "dwellings" and unlock their doors in order to find the Torah way of life in every place and situation.

The Midrash says: ר' שמעון בר אבא בשם רבי חנינא: כל הדרכים בחזקת סכנה. 
All roads are reputed to be dangerous (Koheles Rabbah 3:3) Anyone who would like to add a translation can got to ( and sign up for free.

The minute one leaves his familiar surroundings he is engulfed by a world of temptation. A careful calculation must be made to discover how each task connects him to his spiritual goals. This is why man is called a "walker" (Zechariah 3:7); he is to travel through the paths of life and draw spiritual aspects out of every place and person toward himself. Dovid Hamelech began each day that way, carefully working out how to go about his daily schedule .

This is done by doing Hisbodidus!!!!!!!

More to come bli neder.

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