Friday, May 29, 2015

Parashas Nasso Some thoughts from R' Gamliel Rabinowitz!

There is a famous saying from הרה''ק רבי דוד משה מטשורקוב זי''ע R' Dovid Moshe from Tschorkov z"ya, that the Shabbos after every chag still has the light and essence of that chag. In yiddish the Shabbos after a chag is called "שבת נוך יו״ט " the word נוך has 2 meanings; after and another. That fits in perfectly with what the holy rabbi said. So let's try and connect  Parashas Nasso with Shavuos.

This weeks parasha is the longest one in the Torah. There are many midrashim written on it, and the holy Zohar also writes at length on it. That is lesson #1, just like if you want to study this weeks parasha well and in depth, you have to spend a considerable amount of time learning; so to with the rest of the Torah, if you want to know it well, if you want it to penetrate your mind and your heart, you have to spend a considerable amount of time studying, and not just use the cliff notes.

Our next lesson comes from the gemara in Shabbos:)שבת פח.( על מאמר הכתוב )שמות יט, יז( ויתיצבו בתחתית ההר, אמר רב אבדימי בר חמא בר חסא: מלמד שכפה הקדוש ברוך הוא עליהם את ההר כגיגית, ואמר להם: אם אתם מקבלים התורה מוטב, ואם לאו שם תהא קבורתכם."And they stood at the bottom of the mountain (Exodus 19:17)-" Rabbi Avdimi the son of Chama the son of Chasa said,"This teaches that the Holy One, Blessed be He, held the mountain over them like a barrel and said, 'If you accept the Torah, it is good. And if not, here shall be your graves.'" 

Thats a bit strange?!?!?!? Klal Yisroel just said, "gnash v'nishma" Why does Hashem have to hold the mountain over their heads to force them to accept? Sometimes we get inspired, we take things on, we start new things, but do we stick to them? Even when the inspiration is gone? Thats lesson #2. The Torah is constant  ! Through thick and thin! Through the snakes and scorpions of the desert! And also through the good times! 

We'll continue after Shabbos! 


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