Sunday, September 23, 2012

More wisdom from the Mash. A Contemporary Viduy and a little more hardcore one.

For Alumni

1.    I lacked belief in myself and in my ability to change and therefore refrained from making goals to grow in my learning and Avodas Hashem.

2.    I violated the very first commandment which is to be a mentsch, and the second which is to be real.

3.    I said my tefilos and brochos out of rote and habit (mitzvas anashim melumadah) without kavanah.

4.    I neglected to set priorities in my life and adhere to them in my schedule.  I failed to keep the sedorim I set up, without good reason. 

5.    Instead of using distractions for healthy recreation when necessary, I made these distractions my way of life and wasted precious time.

6.    I neglected to consider the needs of and to spend quality time with my wife and children.

7.    I allowed myself to be exposed to temptation without considering the consequences.

8.    I neglected that which could give purpose and meaning to my life (i.e. learning Torah, attending shiurim and lectures and learning from the Gedolim).

9.    I was so involved with myself or my career that I neglected to be sensitive to the feelings and needs of others.

10.I wasn't moser nefesh enough when considering the
     situation of Klal Yisroel and what I can do to make a
     difference (ie tzedakkah, working for the Klal, hosting
     guests on Shabbos, reaching out to others).


1. I lacked belief in myself and in my ability to change
and therefore refrained from making goals.
2. I violated the very commandment mitzvah which is to
be a mentsch, and the second which is to be real.

3. I used my doubts and questions as excuses and didn’t
seriously pursue the answers.

4. Instead of finding my purpose in life, I turned towards
escapes to fill the emptiness (drugs, gambling, girls).

5. I denied my escapes and addictions rather than fight

6. Instead of using distractions for healthy recreation, I
made these distractions my way of life

7. I substituted fun, hanging out, and instant gratification
for meaningful goals.

8. I allowed myself to be exposed to temptation without
considering the consequences.

9. I neglected that which could give purpose and
meaning to my life (i.e. learning Torah and pursuing
the answers to my questions and issues).

10.I was so involved with myself or my career that I
neglected to be sensitive to the feelings and needs of

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