Saturday, September 8, 2012

Motzash thoughts....

Sometimes we'll actually come across something on Shabbos itself that is worth sharing especially since we are still in the parasha untill Tuesday when we move on to next weeks parasha.

"And you shall rejoice with all the good that Hashem your God has given you. Devarim 26:21" This is a mitzvah! We are commanded, obligated to feel joy with what we are given by Hashem the Almighty. Why should we, do we, need a directive to be happy, to rejoice? It should be a automatic reaction to getting good things? The reason is because man's nature is to always want more than what he has now. "He who has one hundred wants two hundred. Koheles Rabbah 1:34" Our moments of joy are always mixed with a sadness over what we still lack. The Torah, therefore, gives us a mitzvah, a command to rejoice with what we have. We should strive to feel a joy that is complete because lack of joy with what we have is destructive both physically and spiritually. [R' Mordechai Gifter; Pirkei Torah as quoted in Growth Through Torah]

Let's not forget one of my new favorite lines that I heard from Rabbi Lazer Brody. Imagine if you woke up tomorrow only with the things that you had thanked Hashem for today!?!?!?!?
Have a great week everybody! Till next time...............

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