Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My most profound prayer this high holiday season

Grant peace which includes peace of mind, peace in ones house, peace between Jews, and peace in the country and grant what is good for each person and grant prosperity and success and let us find favor in Your eyes and thereby find favor in the eyes of all who see us and grant our requests even though we are not deserving and have mercy on us not to punish us according to our wrongdoings on those of us standing here praying together and on all of Israel, Your nation. Since you are our Father, give us an abundance of goodness and success all of us like one equally with the "light of Your face" which is a symbol of Your great love because we already know from the Revelation at Sinai that with "the light of your face" come great things: You gave us as a present not because we are deserving, Master of all, the Master of all strength, Who is able to do anything, and Who takes care of us with Divine Providence, the Torah that teaches us how to live and through it the love of doing kindness and You gave us with the Torah more opportunities for reward in the World ti Come by fulfilling the many mitzvos and as reward for keeping the Torah You give us also and abundance of goodness and success in this world and in the merit of keeping the Torah You give us special mercy and a long healthy life and through the Torah we have peace of body and mind beacuse all of the ways of the Torah are peaceful. And it should be good in Your eyes to give an abundance of goodness and success to Your nation, Israel in all parts of the day and in all hours of each part of the day with Your peace which is a complete peace. 

Funny thing is we say it 3 times a day, everyday of the year. I guess this fits in to my trying to tell people that we just have to concentrate more on the simple, plain meaning of things and leave the esoteric, kabalistic etc. teachings for now. Hope everyone (not sure who that is being that according to the stats I'm the only one who reads this blog ;) had an easy and meaningful fast and that this year is the best one yet for all of us! Let there be an end to all of the pain and suffering! Because if you think your in pain think of Hashem! He suffers for all of us at the same time! Mashiach now!

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